Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Little Painted Pots - Mothers Day Crafting

Well it's been a very busy year, and I have posted nothing for a very long time!  I have many fun projects to share with you eventually, but I recently created a craft for Mothers Day that was sooo sooo easy, I had to share it quickly on the blog. 

I used regular terra cotta pots and some outdoor craft paint.  I wrapped masking tape around the base of the pot.  The tape will automatically shift upwards when you try to wrap it, don't fight it, just let the tape go on smoothly upwards, and wrap the other side up to meet at a point.  It was seriously so easy.  I just let the tape go where it wanted, and it created a perfect point.  I let my son paint the shape and then used twine and colorful tags to wrap around the top.  I did use a solo cup for the plant inside as I wasn't sure how the paint would hold up to water on the inside of the pot.  I plan to make one for myself... eventually! 

Happy crafting!
